BOY oh BOY do I have news to share with you!
Yes... here he is, the newest addition to our family!!!
Please welcome... Roarke Michael Rhoton... we have fallen in love all over again!
As you know, I went in on Tuesday morning for a scheduled induction. However, after 28 hours of being in active labor I could not get dilated enough to have a natural delivery.
I was scheduled for a c-section in the afternoon on Wednesday and our baby boy was born at 1:05 PM on June 10th!
(Dont let me kid you... this pic was taken at the beginning of the induction... I wasnt all smiles later in the game)
Roarke weighted in at 8 lbs 2 oz and measured in at 20 inches long!
The past few days since he has been born has been an adventure and some of the best of our lives. It is shocking how something so small can take up so much of your heart. Dan and I are learning what this "parenting thing" is all about, but I have been pleasantly surprised with how easily we have taken on our new roles.
Speaking of Dan... he has been my rock through this entire thing. Everyday all I can think about is how lucky and thankful I am to have married him and get to live the rest of my life enjoying our family together. He has stepped up as a husband and father so much these past few days... I could never repay him for all he has done for me... I love him so much!
And of course... you are all wondering how the other love of our life is getting along!
When we finally came home with Roarke, Remington really didnt give him much attention. But it didnt take long for him to figure out that this little human was quite interesting and LOUD! Remington enjoys laying close to Roarke and visiting him in his nursery every night before bed. And if Roarke begins crying in the middle of the night, Remington races in there to check in on his baby brother. I have a feeling they will be best friends for a lifetime!

A big THANK YOU to all my friends, family, co-workers, etc. who have shown their love and support to us these past few days. We are very blessed to have you in our lives and are excited to share Roarke with you in the years to come!
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