Weight: 13lbs 6oz
Length: 25 1/2 inches
I took this picture last week when he turned 6 months, but I have waited to post it because we just had our 6 month appointment this week and I wanted to include all the fun things we learned at the doctor. Unfortunately, this appointment was a little scary and somewhat of a let down.
6 month check up: Dan and I go into every check up making guesses on how much Roarke weighs. We both thought he was going to have a great weight gain, but sadly he hasnt even gained a full pound in the last 2 months. The doctor wasnt thrilled about this, but said not to worry about it just yet and that sometimes when babies start moving around a lot more they burn more calories than they are able to take in. It was still pretty shocking to me though because Roarke is eating baby food now as well as nursing just as much. We have to go back in a month for a weight check instead of in three months like the doctor would normally suggest. Roarke also got shots... lots and lots of them... 4 all together and a flu vaccine. He took them like a champ as usual. Lastly, the doctor told us that she wanted to take Roarke to get x-rays. I cant even tell you how utterly shocked I was with this statement. I guess during her examination of Roarke she felt that his left hip joint was loose and was worried that he might be suffering from subluxation of the hip which means it could pop in and out of socket and cause major problems as he is growing. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach... the thought of something being wrong with my little boy... unthinkable. We rushed over to the St. Francis Imaging Center got x-rays and waited for the results. Thankfully, everything came back looking normal.
In other news... we have also been to see a Urologist this week for a surgical procedure that Roarke is having done in April. It is a minor surgery, but Dan and I were both pretty nervous about it. However, after meeting with the doctor doing it we both felt much more confident and more informed about what will take place. There is just so much going on in our little boys life. He is finally eating food which is so fun! I decided that I would make my own baby food for him since its good for him plus WAY cheaper! So far we have ate avocados, bananas, carrots, and butternut squash. Roarke is also wanting to crawl. He is pulling himself all over the place. I have to watch him like a hawk because one moment he is playing on his blanket and the next he is tearing Christmas packages apart. Quite the handful that little boy is :)
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