This obliviousness however is not the sanest thing in the world when one is dieting and blogging about it for the world to see. After 20 something years of not weighing myself I havent been able to convince myself to start doing it regularly now. So it took until the other day for me to notice the pants I bought a month ago were falling off me, my shirts were baggy, and regular wine shop customers kept going on about how thin I looked. Clueless me still thought I had only lost about 12 pounds. I stepped on the scale and almost fell off it when I discovered Ive now lost exactly 20 pounds. No wonder none of my clothes fit. Finally all the deprivation almost seems worth it.
I really didnt expect the results to be so obvious and so fast. Now Im down a pants size and oh so glad Ive kept my wardrobe from when I was lighter so I have something to wear. Cant figure out whether Im thrilled or freaked out that Ive lost weight so quickly.
Mostly Im thrilled because those 20 pounds are the evil nasty ones that Ive gained since going on thyroid medications that have caused havoc on my metabolism. The doctor warned me about weight gain but I wasnt prepared for gaining that much while eating less and exercising more so until the fella and I decided on this diet I had given up on ever being thin again. It should be interesting to see how difficult it is to get rid of the weight Ive been hanging on to a little longer.
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