Salt Dough Ornaments

Dan and I have been married for 6 years... together for 8... and not once in those years have we EVER put up a Christmas tree or any kind of Christmas decorations. You see, when it comes to the holidays I would probably be known as a Scrooge. I just never wanted to take the time to put all that stuff up when Dan and I were never home enough to enjoy it. But this year things are different. This year we have a little boy who I want to build memories with and make sure his life is full of all the warm fuzzy stuff... you know what I mean?

So... we bought a tree, we bought a tree skirt, we bought a star for the top, lights, etc... you know all the things you need to make a good Christmas tree. However, I needed ornaments for my lovely tree and I didnt want to spend a ton of money for them. So what did I do... I decided to make my own.

Eat your heart out folks... salt dough ornaments made by yours truly!

When I decided to make ornaments I was trying to think of something that I could use to teach Roarke with. After racking my brain I decided that I would make them with each of our family members names on them going back to Roarkes great grandparents. This ended up being like 60 some ornaments. PHEW! I figured when Roarke and I looked at the tree we could talk about each family member and the special things about them.

Making these ornaments where super easy and super cheap! It basically takes 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup salt, and a 1/2 cup water. Then you bake them at 250 degrees for 2-3 hours and before you know it youll have these! Dont forget to use your favorite cookie cutters and a straw to punch holes in them.

After I was finished making all my ornaments I painted them and wrote all the names on them. Then I got some red twine and tied those to them.

I was pretty happy with how they turned out and I cant wait to decorate our tree and get that warm fuzzy feeling going in our house for the first time! HA!

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