- Take deep breath for instant stress relief
Breathe deeply slowly and exhale out slowly. Deep breath helps you get plenty of oxygen and may give you instant stress relief. For better results, as you breathe out, speak "rel-a-a-a-a-a-x" in your mind very slowly. You can speak anything like 1-2-3-4-5 or Om or 5-4-3-2-1 or any God. Do it 10 times, you will feel stress relief immediately. Slow and deep breathing will bring your heart rate back to normal and will reduce your muscle tension. You can do it at any place, any time; on your desk, on your bed, while sitting, in a queue, on your computer chair, in office, in toilet, etc. This stress management technique is very effective. Make it a habit to do it 4-5 times daily. - Be organized. Manage time
One of the main causes of stress is poor time management. If you are organized, you can manage things in proper ways without putting pressure on you. Plan ahead. Make a schedule for the day, week and month. Include time for stress reduction as a part of your schedule. - Know your stressors
Determine what events distress you. Try to avoid, eliminate or reduce these stressors, if possible. Determine how your body responds to the stress. See if you can reduce the intensity of your stressors. Plan your strategies to overcome these stressors. Remove your cause of stress or worries. If the reason is your office, discuss the problem with your colleagues and seniors. Dont keep the problem with you. Consider going on vacation for some days. If you are stressed due to non-completion of tasks in time, then time management techniques may be helpful.
Change your perception of physical danger or emotional danger. Dont think and worry about things which may not happen at all. - Talk to others
Involve yourself with others. Talk to your friends, family member, teacher, neighbor, or counselor. This will reduce sadness, loneliness, frustration and stress. Consider to offer your services to neighborhood or volunteer organizations. - Be physically active
Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. When you feel nervous, angry or upset, release the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Take a walk for example. Or do any activity that you like most. Consider gardening, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, playing table tennis, mowing grass, playing with your dog or cat, or similar activities. Such activities can relieve your tension. Exercising with stress balls is good stress reduction technique. - Eat healthy food
Eat healthy nutritious food daily.
Prunes are high in magnesium which releases happy hormones such as serotonin and can help reduce stress. Do not skip meals. Avoid smoking, caffeine and other stimulants. Always get enough sleep. Maintain your sleep times. Healthy eating and adequate sleep fuels your mind and body to cope with stress. - Have a good cry
A good cry can bring relief to your stress. Crying is a part of the emotional healing process. - Avoid alcohol, drugs and cigarettes
Smoking, alcohol and drugs do not remove the conditions that cause stress. They may give you only temporary relief. - Laughter therapy is the best for stress! Laugh heartily with your friends or family members. Read jokes on the internet or from books.
- Hugging is good for stress relief.
Give a good hug to your beloved one; to your spouse, children grand children or pet. This melts away your stress. - Know your capabilities & limits
You should be aware of your capabilities and limits. If a problem is beyond your control, dont try to do it. Do not want the things to happen your way that are not in your control. A major cause of stress is to control events on whom you have little or no power.
Also do not think that you are always right and you are the supreme. And do not think that other people also think your way. Your way of thinking may not always be right. Discuss the things in a friendly manner or in a compromising way. This will definitely reduce your stress. - Negative thinking does not help
Negative thinking never pays. Do not think that the whole world is against you and all the people are making a conspiracy against you.
Foods that aggravate stressYou should stop eating foods which can aggravate the stress. These foods are: alcohol, butter, cheese, coffee, cocoa, coconut oil, egg yolks, junk foods, nuts, sugar, soft drinks, shrimps, tea, etc.
Foods Good for stressSome foods are beneficial for stress. These foods include vegetables and fruits, prunes, Sprouted beans, soups, skimmed milk and yogurt, etc.
Foods Good for stressSome foods are beneficial for stress. These foods include vegetables and fruits, prunes, Sprouted beans, soups, skimmed milk and yogurt, etc.
Aromatherapy & StressMany flowers have calming effects on the central nervous system, thereby relieving you of stress and increasing concentration levels. Some of these are also helpful in loss of memory, anxiety, creativity and lethargy. Some of the aroma oils that work best to relieve stress include Lavender oil, Neroli oil, Geranium oil, Basil oil, Fennel Sweet Oil, Rosemary oil
Put 1 or 2 drops only (not more than that) of one essential oil, Lavender oil, Fennel Sweet Oil, Rosemary oil, etc on a cotton bud or tissue paper and place it near you.
By: http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/
Put 1 or 2 drops only (not more than that) of one essential oil, Lavender oil, Fennel Sweet Oil, Rosemary oil, etc on a cotton bud or tissue paper and place it near you.
By: http://www.fatfreekitchen.com/
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