Today Dan and I are celebrating one of the greatest blessings that has ever entered into our lives. You probably wont have too much trouble guessing what that is... of course... our sweet as sugar Remi Bear! Oh how I love love love that doodle!

Celebrating Remingtons 6th Birthday is very special, but also a little shocking. I have found myself spending moments recently just soaking in what an incredible dog he has become and how blessed Dan and myself are to call him our own. But also this birthday with him makes me realize that half of his life is gone and at best we probably only have six more years left to enjoy him. That is a hard pill to swallow and honestly hurts my heart... but lets not think about that.
Instead, lets celebrate what a wonderful life Remington has lived so far and also the wonderful life he has left to live. He has not only changed Dan and I lives and given us so much joy, but every week during his therapy dog visits he brings joy to those who meet him. He has being a big brother to look forward to, as well as teaching this new baby what dogs are all about. I just cant wait to see what legacy he leaves because he is just that special :)
I wish more than anything that Remington could understand how proud we are of him and the amount of love we hold in our hearts for him. And even though things may change a little along the way as the years go by, what will never change is how much he means to us.

Happy Birthday Big Boy!
We love you to the moon and back a million times over!
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