Diet Information What is the diet

Below are some notes about the highlights of this diet.

I do recommend purchasing the book because it provides concise and informative explanations for the various parts of the diet as well as information about how metabolism is supposed to work. It also has recipes you can eat on the diet =)

$15.48 online

There is also an app for you iPhone users.

$1.99 app store

However the reviewers say it is only partially useful and still needs many updates.


You go through these phases every week for 4 weeks (28 days)

Phase 1 - Unwind
Stress and Calm the Adrenals
Days 1 and 2

Phase 2 - Unlock
Stored Fat and Build Muscle
Days 3 and 4

Phase 3 - Unleash
The Burn - hormones, heart, and heat
Days 5 and 7

What is happening?
Step 1: Take your food and turn it into energy
Step 2: Release stored fat
Step 3: Turn newly released stored fat into energy

Phase 1 Food
This is the high-glycemic, moderate-protein, low-fat phase.
- three carb-rich, moderate-protein, low-fat meals
- two fruit snacks

Phase 2 Food
This is the very high-protein, high vegetable, low-carbohydrate, and low-fat phase.
- three high-protein, low-carb, low-fat meals
- two protein snacks

Phase 3 Food
This is the high healthy-fat, moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, low glycemic fruit phase.
- three meals
- two healthy-fat snacks


The Dos
1. Eat 5 times a day: 3 meals 2 snacks
2. Eat every 3 to 4 hours unless you are sleeping.
3. Eat within 30 min. of waking. Every day.
4. You must follow the meal plan for 28 days.
5. Stick to the foods allowed for each phase. Religiously.
6. Follow the phases in order.
7. Drink half your body weight in fluid oz. of water every day.
8. Eat organic wherever possible.
9. Meat choices must be nitrate-free.
10. You must exercise 3 times a week, according to the phase.

The Donts
1. No wheat. 
2. No corn. 
(aw... that buttery salty goodness)

3. No dairy. 
(no!!! my ice cream and yogurt!)

4. No soy. 
(sauce? but I cook with it all the time!)

5. No refined sugar.
(i saw that coming)
6. No caffeine. 
(NOOO! here comes the coffee withdrawal)

7. No alcohol. 
(this... will be a test... I love my cider)

8. No dried fruit or fruit juices. 
(I will miss my morning OJ)
9. No artificial sweeteners. 
(We can use Stevia still... even if it does taste funny)
10. No fat-free "diet foods" 

28 days later...

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